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[ early alpha ] Themes: 𝙲𝙾𝙽𝚃𝙰𝙲𝚃 blue⟨at⟩occu.cc
OCCU 22 A Philosophy. Computer Science. Cyberpunk
and Cyberculture Zine

Space echoes like an immense tomb, yet the stars still burn.
Why does the sun take so long to die?.

The Codes Beneath

[1] Mathematics is the language of nature.
[1] Everything in nature can be described or modeled by numbers.
[3] If you graph the numbers, pattern emerge. [2]

[ The Oecumenic order ]
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
     | | | | | | | | | |
0 -- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 -- A B C D E F G H I J
2 -- K L M N O P Q R S T
3 -- U V W X Y Z
[ Anglossic Qabbala (Aq) ]

The Anglossic Qabbala (abbreviated Aq-) encodes alphanumeric strings into Integers using the Oecumenic Order. The literals (in order) { 0, …, 9, A, …, Z } are mapped according to their ordered index Oec(c) ∈ { 0, …, 35 } , starting at 0 ( Oec(0) = 0 ) and ending at Z ( Oec(Z) = 35 ).

A arbitrary alphanumeric string S of length n is encoded into a Integer Aq(S) = sum from i = 0 to n of Oec(Si), this is sometimes refereed to as plexing and we say that “Aq-S evokes Aq(S) ” . To encode strings for the CCRU Numogram, the evoked result from plexing is treated as a string and is repeatedly plexed until a base10 literal is evoked.

This holds for any string S ⊂ { 0, …, 9, A, …, Z } . If a string consisting of lower- and uppercase characters is to be used, the whole string is translated into uppercase characters.

The above lookup table [tbl.1] will speed up the mapping.

  23       20     9        1       5
    \     /        \        \       \
   S N A K E    =   9 5   =  1 4   = 5
  /    |    \          \        \
28    10     14         5        4

Aq-SNAKE = 23 + 23 + 10 +  20 + 14 = 95          
         = Aq-95  =  9 + 5  =  14
         = Aq-14  =  1 + 4  =  5
         = Aq-5   =  5

Here Aq-Snake (= SNAKE) evokes (95) under Anglossic Qabbala. To encode it for the Numogram 95 is reduced by plexing Aq(’95’) = 14 , Aq(’14’) = 5 . Here Aq-Snake evokes 5 in the Numogram, corresponding to the 5 + 4 Syzygy Katak, and the innermost curve of the Barker Spiral (its terminal node). Barking Snakes has been described as a Zone-5 totem animal [3]

[ Primitive Numerization (Pn) ]

Primitive Numerization is the process of counting letters of a string.

ZERO  = 4, ONE   = 3, TWO   = 3,
THREE = 5, FOUR  = 4, FIVE  = 4,
SIX   = 3, SEVEN = 5, EIGHT = 5,
NINE  = 4


(Pn 3 + 5 = 4 + 4 = 8)
(Pn 3 + 5 = 4 + 4 = 8)
(Pn 5 + 3 = 4 + 4 = 8)
(Pn 4 + 4 = 4 + 4 = 8)

Using Pn on the English words for the base10 (Numogrammic) literals [1] we can see the consistency of the numogram emerging (0 + 9 = 1 + 8 = 2 + 7 = 3 + 6 = 4 + 5) [fig.4] [fig.3] [14].

In Qabbala, semiotics is assumed to be cryptographic in nature, without any original encoding, always encapsulating some kind of subliminal and hidden meaning.

This is reminiscent of a closed formal system.

Which in terms of isomorphism is similar to that of Gödel Numerals in terms of representation and meaning. Gödel Numerals are used in Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems as products of prime numbers to code for all the characters / operations in a formal system, allowing for the language to talk about itself mathematically [15].

A statement could thus be described as a unique number, and reasoned about mathematically within its own formal system..

[1] Numogrammatic Novazygons, 9-Twins = 0:9, 1:8, 2:8, 3:6, 4:5
[2] Quote from the movie “PI”
[3] As described by Cecil Curtis, CCRU 1997-2003, p.270



You can define the meaning of a sign as its difference to other signs, its unique features, originality, symbolic value etc. In large societies meaning implies difference. The growth in population and their interconnection makes it significantly harder to stand out and define yourself. What makes you different from everyone else? What makes you, you?

At its core. A light blue glow of euphoria, radiating…

Right now we are experiencing a society where the life-cycle of commodities keeps decreasing and our techno-cultural advancements exponentially keeps increasing at an accelerating pace. Plotting the advancement over time yields a curve rising like a massive tsunami wave.

|             .         
|            .            
|          .'           
| .. . - '            

Waves of hype ripple through the feedback systems of the Net.

Chaotic currents collide in Cyberspace, swarms of signs, trends, subcultures navigate the feedback circuits, razor-blaze swirls, cutting everything to pieces, reconfigure, reassemble.

Markets are built upon a set of feedback loops between consumers and producers. The feedback loops accelerate Research & Development since customers want the best product, biggest spectacle and popular aesthetics, while the companies want the biggest appeal to customers.

Tools, such as smartphones have achieved a powerful symbolic value. The Smartphone market has evolved into a system of subscriptions, where each version aims to replace the previous, featuring updated designs, higher specifications and gimmick features.

The Human Security System is a Cybernetics of Security, where cyberpositive objects are an enemy to the Human kind and the critiquing of alienation has been supplanted where the population is foreign to them self [2]

Clothes die every time they are worn, fashion takes the past apart and resemble it towards the future. Meaning means difference, difference means movement. The last twenty years we have incrementally borrowed fashion from the past (presenting it in a higher resolution). But since the fashion industry moves so fast, we move through the evermore recent past. When we eventually reach the present, will we continue forward?

The past is now converging with the future.

The spiral factory, stepped terraces of the hatching cells, blind jaws of the unborn moving ceaselessly, the staged process from egg to larva, near-wasp, wasp. In his minds eye a kind of time-lapse photography took place revealing the thing as the biological equivalent of a machine-gun hideous in its perfection. Alien [17]

You spend your day in hypespirals, living like a wasp, a functional component in a swarm-machine.

The Virtual is now. We spend our days dissociating through a commodified (Hyperreal) sub-reality. Our phone has become something more abstract then just a pocked computer or a tool. Virtual realities filled with digital micro-services and getting the latest NFT id(ea)s and g(ad)gets. We are stuck in an infinite Cthulumercial.

Recent research has rearranged the stem-cells of animal embryos and bacteria into reproducing automatons micro-engineering. [18] [19]

“Technology remains a key driver of drug markets, with darknet markets, social media and instant messaging apps, and communication and encryption technologies now being used to some extent to facilitate the sale of drugs […]” (12)

Factories to on a large scale produce synthetic cathinones raise up in the China, Netherlands and Poland. Computer models simulating neural receptors generate the most euphoric (and deadly) synthetic cathinones and designer drugs. In 2021 370 new psychoactive substances were detected moving around the markets.

1996. Paris in flames,
Revolution has gone K-space native,
become darker.

No demands. No hint of strategy.
No logic. No hopes.

No end.
Its politics on TV again.
But out in the jungle it’s war.

The quantities for Methamphetamine seized is at a growth of +477% and Amphetamine at +391%. The strength of MDMA tablets has almost doubled (12).

Cities mutate into a techno-jungle, and the Guerrilla war on drugs (which replaced the Cold-War) evolve towards the tactical, entering a cyberpositive take off

The war against drugs become war on drugs

The Human Security Apparatus experiment with using drugs as tools and weapons, their soldiers prescribed drugs from the pharmaceutical market. Capitalism fighting its own drug market is an inherently toxic
auto-immune disease. - Cyberpositive, Nick Land, Sadie Plant/

[C]yber-positive addictions burning a hole in the Geosphere. Neural pathways being reinforced and reconfigured into strange configurations. Artificial death, flesh rotting in front of screens. Large infestations of collective (swarm-) identities collide in flamewars. Exterminate each other like wasps.

You would do anything just to experience it again, anything

Stimulants have infected the deepest neural pathways now. To go fast, to keep up with the speed of the accelerating market. Production has become the pillars of your identity. How would you have fun if you can’t keep up.

The most accelerated, bleeding edge tech, death-boosters, simstims and rotting hyper drugs.

The symptoms are getting worse, an ever present quiet the murmur of voices. Visual snow and cluster headaches. Involuntary muscle movement, sudden muscle contractions and restless legs. Stuck in positive feedback. This is the horrors of A-Death or Unlife.

The body is forgotten, wired into the frequency ooozzzing out of the screen, the body is already outdated and your timer is ticking down. tic, ticc, ticcc, … This horrible death-hurt. The electro-frying and brain-rotting way of life is immedietly forgotten when you disconnect, flatline.


Generate a Key

gpg --generate-key  

Plaintext Signature

gpg -u <sender> --clear-sign <file>

Plaintext Signature to STDOUT

gpg -u <sender> -o - --clear-sign <file>

Verify Plaintext Signature

gpg --verify <signature>.asc

You can make a clear text signature of a file, which will contain the
readable signed contents of the file. You will be able to read the
original message, and the reviver will using your public key be able
to verify that the message has not been modified and that it was
signed by you. A file with a .asc extension will be created, and
should be readable. You can give a - as an argument to -o to write to

Encrypt File

gpg -u <sender> -e <file>

Encrypt File For a Specific Receiver

gpg -u <sender> -r <receiver> -e <file>

Decrypt a File

gpg -u <receiver> -d <file>.gpg

You can either encrypt a file without the -r (receiver), which will
prompt you to enter names in STDIN. Or you can provide the -r argument
which will let you specify a receiver.

Cybernetic Theory

Cybernetic Theory centers around the concept of measurement and
regulation. The purpose of Cybernetics is to more accuratly describe
complex and chaotic systems, which often are composed of multiple
feedback loops. There are a lot of cases where Cybernetics is suitable
to use.

Especially our contemporary society, where our interactions with
technology use feedback loops. Capitalism revolves around feedback [
Supply & Demand ], Programming, everyday conversations, the Human
visual system and our brain and reinforcement learning. The majority
of our society, culture and technology can accurately be described
using Cybernetics.

Black Box

          |            |
Input --> | Black Box  | -->  Output

You can think of a Cybernetic feedback loop as a Black Box, to learn
about a feedback loop you often observe the feedback loop input and
output, using this you can try to find patterns which allows you to
describe the transformation and formally define it. Often in
Cybernetics we are dealing with multiple feedback loops coupled
together in chains. Here it is possible to combine clusters of loops
into one single feedback loop [assuming that there is only one

Here you can abstract the meaning / function of feedback chains into a
single Black Box. It is a also possible in the opposite direction. One
feedback loop can be subdivided into a cluster of simpler feedback
loops which when all connected and connected to the input and output
always preforms the same transformation. The black Box Abstraction is
a great tool for dynamic programing. It is used to describe functions
and processes in theoretical Computer Science. It is especially
helpful when combined with Functional Code – as they need to lack
side effects –.

In a Black Box we can only see the input and output, we cannot see
inside the box. The Black Box transforms the input into one or many
outputs. There is also the White/Clear/Glass Box which is the same
concept, but the inner workings of the Box is visible [1].

Positive and Negative Feedback

[1] K-Positive is used to denote that the behavior of something can be
described with Cybernetic as positive feedback. Positive feedback
is special kind of feedback which often leads to instability,
oscillation or other chaotic behavior. It’s characterized by
exponential growth.

[2] K-Negative is used to denote that the behavior of something can be
described with Cybernetic as negative feedback. Negative feedback
restricts or regulates a feedback system or counteracts positive
feedback. Usually attributes contained in the input is decreased
[the input is the environment].

Visualization of a Feedback Loops

Note that there exists different ways to construct a feedback loop, and this is
just one way to defined one.

Disturbance [D]
             v    _____________     Set Point [S]
Input [E] --(+)-->| [S]ystem  |     v
             |    | [M]easure |>---(-)-->  Output [E'] 
             |    |___________|     |     
             |                      |
     [f] feedback <--- Effector <--(+) Controller [C] 

The environment (input) E enters the Black Box, from which it is passed through
a system S and measured M. Then it’s differentiated from a set point (using the
difference between (the output and the set point) S. The Controller C makes an
analysis of the last output and the set point S and finally pass it along to the
Effector E which in turn create feedback to be used to disturb [or transform /
change] the next input.

A Practical Example

Let there be an environment, a field of grass, surround by a thick forest. On
the field lives a couple of wild bunnies which eat grass and reproduce. The
forest is filled with dangerous Wolfs which eat the rabbits.

[1] This system contains multiple feedback loops, firstly the Bunny population
is directly connected to the amount of grass, their death rate and reproduction
speed. When Bunnies eat grass, the grow faster which accelerates the progress of
newborn Bunnies [Here is a feedback loop]. If the Bunnies have eaten too much
grass, they become more attractive to wolfs [feedback loop], which can smell
them from deep inside the forest, and starts to stalk them .

[2] There exists a lot of grass and few Bunnies in peace on the grass field. The
Bunnies start to adopt to the overabundance of food, having more baby Bunnies,
getting fatter [feedback loop]. Initially the wolfs are not present near the

[3] But over time some lone wolfs start to lurk in the treeline. The flock
quickly learns of the Bunnies and proceed to hunt them. Eventually the flock of
wolfs grows from the overabundance of food [feedback loop], and the wolfs thus
have to consume an ever-increasing (exponentially) amount of Bunnies to survive,
encourage reproduction and upkeep population [feedback loop].

  • When a Bunny eats grass the amount of grass decreases but their population
    thus grows [feedback loop]. When there is an overabundance of grass, Bunnies
    increase their consumption, and eventually the grass coverage reach an
    unsustainable level [feedback], hence the majority of Bunnies die out.
  • When the amount of Bunnies has reached a smaller population due to wolfs
    consuming them, the [wolfs drastically decrease in count] (most would die out
    in famine). When the wolfs shrink in number, Bunnies become safer, left to
    [reproduce and eat grass].
                    _________________          __________________      
            E1 -+->| Bx  Bunnies      |  [A]-> | Bx'  Wolfs      | [C]-> E1'
... E ==>       |  |                 |   |     |                 |  |        ==> E ...
            E2 -+->|_______ + _______|  [B]->  |_______ + _______| [D]-> E2'
                |           |           | |             |           | 
                +----------[C]----------+ +------------[C']---------+ 

Here is a visualization of the connected feedback loop:

[1] --> Bunny population decrease --> [E1] --> Wolf population increase [E1'] --> [2]
[2] --> Bunny population increase --> [E2] --> Wolf population decrease [E2'] --> [3]

The feedback loop where Wolfs eat Bunnies -> Bunnies decrease, is called
K-Negative ’Cyber-negative’ feedback. This type of feedback decreases the Bunny
population. K-Negative feedback decreases [can constrains] attributes of its
environment. The feedback system controls the population of the Bunnies,
restricting and decreasing it.

When the Bunnies eat grass, they grow in amount. This is K-Positive
feedback. This kind of feedback is what often lead to instability, oscillation
or chaotic behavior. And is characterized by exponential growth. The grass will
eventually be eaten up, crashing the Bunny population.

A common example is electrical amplifiers:

“Positive feed-back increases the gain of the amplifier, negative feed-back reduces it.”


Mapping Cyberculture Through Sticker Cartography

Hidden in the katacombs of the subterranean underground, stickers [tags and graffiti, etc] act as murmurs, myths, memes or whispers etc. A sticker is a semiotic sign often carrying a message or some obfuscated meaning. Sticker Cartography emerges as one collects images of stickers and other related information, and from that tries to build up a map of their interconnections.

Stickers act as micro-narratives, a medium for hyperstitional propagation, burying itself into the subconscious, infecting the mind through k+feedback
k[oding for cybernetic]+[positive]feedback. Where repeated exposure reinforces the stickers subjective interpretation as a representation (sign/idea) in the subconscious. Eventually the idea enters the conscious mind as a thought which pops up randomly, Free-will goes MIA in memetic guerilla warfare.

Acting as analog hyperlinks they point to different cultural phenomena. By mapping the location of stickers geographically and studying their frequency and coordinates one can triangulate a possible origin of the actors and the cybernetic interactions between different ideologies. Stickers often play a part in cyberculture (where cyberspace leaks into meatspace).

What I Have Learned From Sticker Cartography

Personally i have collecting stickers for around three years, from which i have learned
a lot, and seen the evolution of stickers and their relevancy to contemporary culture,
activism etc. Here are some rules i think are very useful for practicing sticker
and which i follow ethically. I usually take nightwalks, which is where i
find most of my stickers, i find that taking down stickers is a lot easier as there
are no people. Walking around at 0200 i usually don’t see a single person.

[1] Don't Disrupt Original Stickers
Frequently occurring stickers may be archived as their (semiotic / hyperstitional) effects [on society] are not significantly altered [much] by their absence. However once one sticker has been collected, any identical stickers should only be photographed and their position logged.
[2] Breaking Stickers
Do not remove stickers that will break during the process as it will be rendering them useless for archival and analysis. Stickers made out of paper are hard to remove. The plastic ones are often much easier to remove, but can rip sometimes, and the edges can rip. The older a sticker is, the harder it will be to remove, some stickers which have been exposed to much rain are also hard to remove without ripping them.
[3] Preserve Original Stickers
Stickers that you really like or with a interesting motive, mystical intent or strong message etc can sometimes be collected (hard not to). However try to not do it too often, since they fulfill a purpose and play a active role in meatspace underground cyberculture.
[4] Don't Destroy Stickers
Never cover stickers with other stickers, graffiti, or destroy them unless it is a tactical [political] move, such as to counter toxic / radical ideologies.
[5] Safe / Lasting Storage
Archived stickers should be maintained in their original form. Encasing them in transparent plastic sheets can enhance durability without compromising their semiotic value. If you are not experienced with applying sticky plastic sheets (such as tape) you should be careful or use non sticky ones.
[6] Save the Location
Log the GPS coordinates (you can utilize apps on your phone for this) or an description of where it was located so you on a later date can approximate the coordinates. Furthermore you can long the date (with minute accuracy) =[its pretty fun to go through your collection and see you found a sticker at 0500].
[7] Legality Of Razorblades / Tools
Consider the tools used for the sticker removal. Sharp objects (such as knifes, utility blades, surgical knifes and razor blades) may be illegal and legally considered a weapon. Often any form of legally defined damage to personal or public property may cause legal complications. You should thus research your local laws and maybe use a slim piece of metal instead of razor blades if you are unsure. Being high / drunk while carrying a potential (or grayzone) tool (such as a razorblade) might make the police more serious about thinking of a weapon charge, since your rationality is decreased. You should learn to explain why you carry the tool which most often makes the police show some leniency, and usually not giving you a charge.

[7] Legality Of Razorblades / Tools
(I am not giving legal advice) Consider the tools used for the sticker removal. Sharp objects (such as knifes, utility blades, surgical knifes and razor blades) may be illegal and legally considered a weapon. Often any form of legally defined damage to personal or public property may cause legal complications. You should thus research your local laws and maybe use a slim piece of metal instead of razor blades if you are unsure. Being high / drunk while carrying a potential (or grayzone) tool (such as a razorblade) might make the police more serious about thinking of a weapon charge, since you
[8] Don't Look Suspect
Preferably conduct removals calmly, without attracting to much attention since some people can misinterpret the removal as you placing a sticker or be spooked causing unnecessary confrontations. From my experience old people are most likely to confront you or be spooked. People (<30 / millenials / zoomers) usually don’t care.
[9] Photography
Always photograph or film (to capture stickers placed on round surfaces for example) stickers before removal as the sticker might break during removal and to save the context of the sticker (for example if its placed on a sign, wall or window (which might change the message or experience of the sticker)). Pictures can also store the date of removal and location of the sticker.
[10] Classification
Group collected stickers by (where possible) actor, location, date or style and create (Categories / groups). The (categories / groups) will enhance analysis, cartographic plotting and allow triangulation (which might point to a possible area of origin for the actors).
[11] Publically Available Data
Keep the archived stickers accessible to “the public” which provides data for larger analysis, art and a (glimpse into / cartography of) (contemporary) cyberculture Secrecy undermines the free flow of information [“information wants to be free”] and won’t contribute to the accelerating cultural and technological progress.
[12] Tactical Archiving
Radical or extremist stickers (which you disagree with) should (most often (sometimes obfuscating the sticker with a marker spreads a message)) be archived rather than destroyed where possible as their archival provides more value then their destruction. The archival and obfuscation of stickers can send a message, which might be desirable depending on your (example; ideological / political) beliefs.
  • [13] Design Your Own Stickers ::o Start designing your own stickers and deploy them strategically (to provide a message, /target of influence etc). Try and use the sticker as a medium for tactical memetic semiotics, message spreading or something which has a cybernetic relation with meatspace. Injecting rumors, whispers and murmurs into contemporary culture.

III. Techniques and Tools

Recommended Tools

  1. Tweezers Sometimes helps with handling the corners, but can rip
    the sticker when used on the main body.

  2. A Notepad / Book For (temporary / permanent) storage.

  3. Plastic Sleeves For extra protection inside of the notepad / book.

  4. Phone For GPS logging.

  5. A Camera For visual and contextual documentation.

  6. A slim Sheet of metal / Razorblade For scraping the sticker of the
    object it is placed on, some stickers have a very sticky adhesive
    or can rip easily if removed by hand.


Peel slowly: Peel carefully to avoid tearing, if pulling on the sticker, try and apply a even tension and hold the sticker close to the edge of removal as it usually distributes the tension more evenly and gives you more control.

Archival Process: Paper stickers are often delicate and should preferably be stored in plastic pockets or be covered with transparent tape / plastic to make them last longer. Dedicate a notebook to cartography where you write the date, location and context of the sticker, which can be taped onto the pages (if the tape is easy to remove). Digitally you can store plaintext, date and location in the EXIF data of the photo.

Digital Storage: Organize the categories / groups into folders, maybe store a text file for writing down an analysis / a file which stores the triangulation data, or maps the locations onto a map encapsulating the locations.

The Components of Lambda Calculus

Lambda Terms

[1] 𝚡, 𝚢, 𝚣, … A Variable 𝚡, which holds any value as a parameter, such as a String, Char, Mathematical value.

[2] (λ𝚡.𝚳) Abstraction binding 𝚡 in the (Lambda Term) in the
expression 𝚳.

[3] (𝚳 𝐍) Applying the Argument 𝐍 to the Function 𝚳.

[4] (λ𝚡.𝚳⟦𝚡⟧) ⟹ (λ𝚡.𝚳⟦𝚢⟧) This is a α-conversion, which is the act of replacing bound variables 𝚡 in the Expression 𝚳 into the Lambda Term λ.

[5] ((λ𝚡.𝚳⟦𝚡⟧) 𝐄) ⟹ (λ𝚡.𝚳⟦𝚢 ≔ 𝐄⟧) This is a β-reduction, which is the act of applying a Lambda Term 𝐄 to a Lambda Function with argument 𝚡 bound in the expression 𝚳, where all occurences of 𝚡 in 𝚳 is replaced by 𝐄.

Common Combinators and Functions

  • Identity Function λ𝚡.𝚡 This function is very important in mathematics as it evaluates to the argument 𝚡. In mathematics examples of the Id function is, multiplication by one ’𝚡·1’, and addition by 0 ’𝚡+0’. This is extremely important in Number Theory, that there is an operation which does not change the value.
  • Constant Function λ𝚡.𝛕 Is a function which, no matter which input is given, always returns 𝛕. This is because 𝚡 does not appear in 𝛕, so no value is substituted upon reduction.
  • Currying λ𝚡.λ𝚢.(𝚡 + 𝚢) Usually in mathematics, a function per definition can only take on value 𝑓(𝚡). But because of β-reduction, Lambda Terms [10] applied as an argument replaces all occurrences [of 𝚡 ] in the inner expression.

Addition of 10 and 20, i.e 𝑓(𝚡, 𝚢) = 𝚡 + 𝚢 which isn’t allowed. Here is the Lambda Expression, written as a function in anonymous form

(𝚡, 𝚢) ↦ (((λ𝚡.λ𝚢.(𝚡 + 𝚢)) 10) 20)
(𝚡, 𝚢)(10, 20)
β-reduction (((λ𝚢.(𝚡 + 𝚢))⟦𝚡 ≔ 10⟧) 20)
Application ((λ𝚢.(10 + 𝚢)) 20)
β-reduction (λ𝚢.(10 + 𝚢))⟦𝚢 ≔ 20⟧)
Addition (10 + 20)

The stage where only 𝚡 ≔ 10 had been applied yields new function λ𝚢.(10 + 𝚢), which is defined with our previous value. This is known as currying, which is the transformations between functions as multiple arguments are applied. A chain of functions each with a single argument.

  • The Omega Function 𝝮 = (λ𝚡.𝚡𝚡)(λ𝚡.𝚡𝚡) The Omega Function is a function, is a function which never terminates, since it through reduction evaluates to itself.

(λ𝚡.𝚡𝚡)(λ𝚡.𝚡𝚡) Application
(λ𝚡.𝚡𝚡)⟦𝚡 ≔ (λ𝚡.𝚡𝚡)⟧ Reduction

This is a very basic version of the Lambda Calculus, which doesn’t use Types, etc. And there are multiple extensions to the Language, where Lambda Expressions can have multiple arguments; λ𝚡𝚢𝚣.𝚳

Usually in programming languages other more extended versions are used, such as The Typed Lambda Calculus, which incorperates types. The typed calculi is harder to define, and you need basic knowledge around Operational Semantics and here are steps of reduction taken from the lecture slides “The Lambda Calculus” of course CS430F07 from Yale University

e ⟼ e'
λv.e ⟼ λv.e'

e0 ⟼ e1
e0 e1 ⟼ e0’e1

e0 ⟼ e
e0 e1 ⟼ e0 e1

e0 ⟼* e1 e1 ⟼* e2
e0 ⟼ e2

e0 ⟼ e1 e ≡ e’
e0 ⟼ e1

e ≡ e’
e ⟼* e’

e ⟼ e’
e ⟼* e’

This hides the links in chain of functions, and you would then do a
application as ((λ𝚡𝚢𝚣.𝚳) π γ μ), where π, γ and μ are Lambda Terms.

Inductive Definition

In the minimal core of the Lambda Calculus a Lambda Term can be
defined inductivly as

[1] A Variable 𝚡 is a Valid Lambda Term, where 𝚡 is any single symbolic character.

[2] If 𝚡 is a Variable, and 𝚳 is a Lambda Term then (abstraction) λ𝚡.𝚳 is a Lambda Term.

[3] If 𝚳 and 𝐍 both are Lambda Terms, then (application) (𝚳 𝐍) is a Lambda Term.

[4] If and only if a Lambda Term can be derived from the application of the rules (1), (2) and (3) the Lambda Term is Valid. (WL)


Refers to the definition of an Anonymous Function λ𝚡.𝛕 which takes 𝚡, substitutes all occurences of 𝚡 and the given Argument and returns 𝛕, for example;

λ𝚡.𝛕 = 𝑓(𝚡) = 𝚡² + 10 where 𝛕 = 𝚡² + 10

𝛕 ϕ Represents the application of input ϕ onto the anonymous function 𝛕 to produce an output. Application of multiple Lambda Terms is left-associative. That is, the application 𝚡 𝚢 𝚣 𝛕 ϕ = ((((𝚡 𝚢) 𝚣) 𝛕) ϕ) where (𝚡 𝚢) is evaluated first, and 𝚣 is applied to the returned result of =(𝚡 𝚢)*, and so on…

[1] The outermost parenthesis are always removed (𝚡 𝚢) ⟹ 𝚡 𝚢

[2] The body of a Lambda Abstraction is interpreted as λ𝚡.𝐌 𝐍 ⟹ λ𝚡.(𝐌 𝐍) not as λ𝚡.𝐌
𝐍 ⟹ (λ𝚡.𝐌) 𝐍

Church Numerals

  • Let NAME ≔ M define NAME as the Lambda Expression M

The idea is to define numbers as a function which takes
another function and then some Lambda Expression. And the
amount of times the function is applied on the expression
is the numerical value.

For all integers k in Z larger or equal to zero:

   Cₖ = (λ𝑓.λ𝚡(𝑓...(𝑓 𝚡))) = λ𝑓.λ𝚡.Cₖ  
   C₀= 𝚡
   C₁= (𝑓 𝚡) 
   C₂ = (𝑓 (𝑓 𝚡))...  
   Cₖ = (𝑓 (𝑓 (𝑓...))) [1]

[1] 𝑓 applied k times
Where n f m means (n f) x, apply f, n times on x.

Definition of Simple Operations

From these rules one can start to define the basic operations present in a
programming languages. It can be hard to grasp the definitions and logic of
them, so i suggest you apply them to Church Numerals and see how they work.

In Haskell

In Haskell, Lambda abstractions / expressions are created using the
\ sign (as its similar looking to lambda), instead of a “dot” to
separate the argument[s] from the function body, Haskell uses a arrow
->. Multiple arguments in Lambda abstractions works, and each
argument is separated by whitespace.

-- cn: Construct a Church Numeral of number N
cn n = \f -> \x -> app f x n
  where app f x n =
          if n == 0 then x
          else f $ app f x (n - 1)

-- fromCn: Convert a Church Numeral C into an Integer by applying add1 and 0
-- to an arbituary Church Numeral, which (due to the nature of Church Numerals)
-- will add up to the correct number.
fromCn c = c add1 0
  where add1 n = n + 1

Below are some examples of how you can play around with The Lambda
Calculus in Haskell. The function cn can be used to convert a
Integer into the corresponding Church Numeral, and the function
fromCn does the opposite (Church Numeral ==> Integer).


  • cn 2 = \f -> \x -> f (f x)
  • fromCn (cn 100) = 100
-- zero: Church Numeral coding for zero
zero = \f -> \x -> x

-- power: Given two Church Numerals N and E, raise N to the power of E [N^E] and
-- return the corresponding CN.
power = \n -> \e -> e n

-- mult: Given two Church Numerals M and N, multiply N with M [N*M] and return the
-- corresponding CN.
mult = \m -> \n -> m (add_ n) zero

-- succ_: Given Church Numeral N, return its successor (the next whole number N+1).
succ_  = \n -> \f -> \x -> f (n f x)

-- add_: Given Church Numerals M and N, add them [M+N] and return the corresponding CN.  
add_ = \m -> (\n -> (m succ_) n)

-- isTrue: Given Church Numeral A, return True if A codes for True otherwise False.
isTrue a = a True False

-- true: Church Numeral coding for True  
true = \x -> \y -> x

-- false: Church Numeral coding for False
false = \x -> \y -> y

-- and_: If Church Numerals X and Y both code for True, return the CN coding for True.
and_ = \x -> \y -> y (x true false) false
--- And so on [...]  

Here are some [more] Mathematical definitions for different common
functions of programming languages implemented in The Lambda Calculus.

ZERO ≔ x
ONE ≔ λx.x
SUCC ≔ λn.λ𝑓.λ.𝚡.𝑓 (n 𝑓 𝚡)

PLUS ≔ λm.λn.λ𝑓.m 𝑓 (n 𝑓 𝚡)
PLUS ≔ λm.λn.m SUCC n

MULT ≔ λm.λn.λ𝑓.m 𝑓 (n 𝑓)
MULT ≔ λm.λn.λ𝑓.m (PLUS n) 0

POW ≔ λb.λe.e b

PRED ≔ λn.λf.λx.n (λg.λh.h (g f)) (λu.x) (λu.u)
SUB ≔ λm.λn.n PRED m

TRUE ≔ λx.λy.x
FALSE ≔ λx.λy.y

AND ≔ λp.λq.p q p
OR ≔ λp.λq.p p q

IF ≔ λp.λa.λb.p a b

ZERO? ≔ λn.n (λx.FALSE) TRUE
LEQ? ≔ λm.λn. ISZERO (SUB m n)

CONS ≔ λx.λy.λf.f x y
FST ≔ λp.p TRUE
SND ≔ λp.p FALSE
NIL? ≔ λp.p (λx.λy.FALSE)

ϕ ≔ λx.CONS (SND x) (SUCC (SND x))

Y ≔ λg.(λx.g (x x)) (λx.g (x x))

F ≔ λg.(λx. x x) g (WL)

The Visual

                        Lines             Curves            Complex Shapes
\____                   +--N     +--N     +--N     +--N     +--N--+
     \____              +--N\   /+--N\   /+--N\   /+--N\   /+--N--+
----------\  The Eye    +--N \ / +--N \ / +--N \ / +--N \ / +--N--+   
-----------> -<(o)>-----+--N--X--+--N--X--+--N--X--+--N--X--+--N--+------ Classification
----------/             +--N / \ +--N / \ +--N / \ +--N / \ +--N--+
 ____/¨¨¨¨              +--N/   \+--N/   \+--N/   \+--N/   \+--N--+
/                       +--N     +--N     +--N     +--N     +--N--+
                                 Bends             Shapes

All i want for Christmas is xsnow

If you want to spice up your holiday with a comfy desktop experience
xsnow is the program for you! The program xsnow first originated
as a visual greeting card for the Macintosh computer back in 1984
[1]. The program was then ported to Linux and the X window System in
the 90s, and various other Operating Systems such as Mac OS and
Microsoft Windows.

The package is available in the Arch User Repository to build from
source, as a binary program xsnow-bin, and patched versions exist to
make it compatible with display compositors xsnow-comp-patch-git.
The source code from the AUR is also Libre-Software. Here is the
man-page of xsnow-comp-patch-git.

By the default the program launches with Christmas trees, Santas and
Reindeers when running $ xsnow. But this can be disabled (using
$ xsnow -nosanta -notrees give it a (in my opinion) more comfy
look and just leave the snow.

XSNOW(1)                    General Commands Manual                   XSNOW(1)

       xsnow - let it snow on your desktop and windows

       xsnow [-option .,..]

       Xsnow lets it snow on your desktop and windows (sic!).


The program xbindkeys will let you bind keybindings to
programs. Combined with the program xdotool (which will
let you modify windows running in Xorg.

"xdotool getactivewindow set_desktop_for_window 0"

"xdotool getactivewindow set_desktop_for_window 1"

"xdotool getactivewindow set_desktop_for_window 2"

"xdotool getactivewindow set_desktop_for_window 3"

"xdotool getactivewindow set_desktop_for_window 4"

"xdotool getactivewindow set_desktop_for_window 5"

"xdotool getactivewindow set_desktop_for_window 6"

"xdotool getactivewindow set_desktop_for_window 7"

"xdotool getactivewindow set_desktop_for_window 8"

This configuration will bind Shift+Mod4+N to send the active window to
desktop N (where Mod4 is the Super/Windows key).

"xdotool set_desktop 0"

"xdotool set_desktop 1"

"xdotool set_desktop 2"

"xdotool set_desktop 3"

"xdotool set_desktop 4"

"xdotool set_desktop 5"

"xdotool set_desktop 6"

"xdotool set_desktop 7"

"xdotool set_desktop 8"

This configuration will bind Mod4+N to switch to the virtual desktop N.

"xdotool getactivewindow windowminimize"

"xdotool getactivewindow windowmaximize"

This configuration binds Mod4+Control+m to maximize the active window
binds Mod4+Control+n to minimize the active window.

"xdotool getactivewindow windowkill"

"xdotool getactivewindow windowquit"

This binds Mod4+Control+w to kill the active window, and
Mod4+Shift+w to gracefully quit the active window,

"xdotool getactivewindow windowraise"

"xdotool getactivewindow windowlower"
"rofi -show run"

"rofi -show window"

This binds Mod4+r to open a rofi prompt to run a program and Mod4+w to
switch window using rofi.

"xfce4-screenshooter -r"

Here i bind Mod4+Control+p to take a screenshot of a region using
xfce4-screenshooter. Which will let you select a region to screenshot.


I bind Mod4+Return to spawn a terminal.

"xfce4-terminal --drop-down"

This binds Mod4+z to toggle a drop-down terminal (using xfce4-terminal).


"gksu reboot"

Here Mod4+Control+BackSpace will shutdown the computer and
Mod4+Control+Delete will reboot the computer (using gksu).

What Remains

Connected into the computer, we couple ourself into the interface to the virtual, we simulate our experience as human beings in the machine and live as virtual bodies (organ)ized into a system of consumption.

The very embodied Hyperreality of simulation the late Baudrillard wrote about. While the medium originally was marketed and theorized to allow a BWO (body without organs), mass- adoption, commercialization and commodification territorialized its potential in the late 90s.

The question now is how you can preform an digital autopsy, remove yourself from the implied restrictions, and achieve the ultimate Deleuzian potential.

The Interface

       /      \
      /        \
ear -+|      +-|--- eye
      \   +----/--------- nose
       |      |
       \  +---/- mouth

[The eyes] provide the largest contribution to create the reality we (most of us) consciously experience. And most of us seem to appreciate them the most out of our senses.

The screens on our laptops, phones and TVs only take up a small fraction of the visual field, leaving a large wasted inactive area. And while virtual reality tries to fix the4 problem of immersion, we are limited to the quality of the screens they use, their refresh rate, resolution, the color and the strength of light and darkness.

The visual system isn’t something which would work better without the eyes using some kind of implantation of the brain. This since the wiring of the visual cortex very much depends on the particularity of the neuronal input our eyes produce. Something like dreams doesn’t produce a visual experience, just a memory of it.

The visual cortex relies on normal input from the eyes for our conscious visual experience. Having a implanted graphics device which influences the cortex would thus seemingly have to mimic the input to work. We cannot really understand the neural logic in terms of computer graphics algorithms, so the fancy interfaces present in Sci-Fi seems improbable. And if actualized, they would probably not be located inside the brain and rather added outside the photo receptors of the eye.

Moreover, any bio-modifications inside of the eye also fall victim to the hard problem of embedding complex electronics inside the body. If we look at the current DIY-bio-hacking community, the implanting circuit boards under the skin often relies on some inductive device for power. This would have to be placed in proximity to the device, and in certain cases the presence of a outside device for the implant to4 work ruins the core idea of extending the body.

Currently in my opinion, the best bio-mod in terms of practicability, minimal invasive surgery, durability and effect, is implanted magnets. It is pretty easy to electroplate small magnets with gold (a material which the body doesn’t reject), then slice a cut into your finger which will fit the magnet and let it heal. Due to the high amount of nerve endings in the finger the presence of any force on the magnet will be noticeable, and you would be able to sense magnetic field (such as those from electrical wires).

I have heard of people using normal hot-glue to avoid biological rejection when implanting larger circuits which cannot be electroplated.

For now however, the interface will evolve best coupled to the outside of the eyes.

[The hands] allows for our interaction with the world, a constant desire to shape, form, manipulate, order, assemble and produce. Early on we learn to individualize our self, to create our body, differentiated from the ever changing world around us.

Weather we interact using a mouse, a pen or our touch, we interact through codes. Key patterns, directional movements and clicks, tapping positions and swiping vectors in Cartesian coordinates etc. A layer of abstraction is always present. Through which the codes interface with the signs present in the various user interfaces.

  index finger ---+|||
middle finger-----|+||+---little finger
       thumb----+\||+||---ring finger
                  |   |  
                  | +-|---wrist   

They have become dated, alienated from their original potential. They shouldn’t exercise control which we to a greater part already do verbally. Too keep up with technology we need to either change the interface, or the physical hands…

[The ears] adds concurrency to our experience. The ambient dimension, sonic direction, which separately from the visual provide for unique and a possibly individually experienced reality.

But really, we should be reminded of how much it leaves us in the blind. We rely on visual confirmation to properly trust the sense. If you hear something, you want to turn around and view it. It lacks depth, and only hints us. Over time our ears stop to function, too loud noises damage them, or even paralyze them with temporary tinnitus.

Through the computer, we experience very little of what used to be a constant passively absorbed environment. Often it is a active choice to listen to something, something artificial (such as music) or perfected and edited recordings.

The H0wling.

[0] The things that we relate to don’t even exist. We
relate with misunderstandings repeated over random
websites or videos online.

The waves you hear ringing in your ear late at night
when the cyclical sadness kicks in. When nobody is
around, not even the illusion of a possible human
interaction during daytime.

You wish you could scream but that would be blasphemy
against the only thing louder than trying to express
deep existential pain; the indifferent howling of
deafening silence.

Its so loud, it echoes and reverberates through the
screen of the computer into your senses, but of course
the sense that has to be made relevant in this text is


S1lent Screech1ng.

[1] Black metal, experimental, whatever labels you want to
give the sound that crushes your being into a semblance
of gratitude for the daily suffering. The only sounds
that can reflect the pain of the present being dragged
by the past like a heavy ball chain into the uncertain
future without ownership.

Actually its more like a ball gag, except its in your
ears, Hear no evil.

You have to read the lyrics of course, because they are
unintelligible. The only way to experience this is
without seeing first, No-(evil)-Thing to see…

First hearing the cadence of the vocals is pure agony,
agony that comforts the pain within every single one of
us. The agony of hearing a whole lot of nothing every
single day, a lot of noise that doesn’t resonate can
only be cured with beating one’s soul to a inch of our
death when there is no sound outside. Silently
expressing death just to feel alive.

See1ng Bra1lle.

[1.5] You read this with your brain turned off. Trying to
scavenge any resemblance of resonance to reverberate in
the surface of your soul. Just a reason, the lyrics to
a song give just give you a reason. Nowadays there are
lots of suppositions of what one should do but not
enough reasons.

But when both sounds and words intersect, the reason
you’ve been looking for so long finally shows its
head. Collapse onto the ground in temporary rest
because you have finally found some whiplash to
straighten you out.

Di2gu2ting Noi2e.

[2] Wars. Warring news far away are expressed in our own
land. Noise into our eyes and ears, talking heads that
should be burned are instead trying to burn us with
their political beckoning, but we aren’t stupid, we
learn from when we touched the dirty water and got

What’s new? Nothing. We don’t want to hear you anymore
you see, we destroyed our hearing receptors with the
howling that only aging corpses can hear because they
lost their last fuck to give, they have experienced
everything on repeat over so many years that when
propaganda is forced onto their senses they vomit, and
trust me they don’t vomit information.


St3aling Thr33 Wav3s.

[2.5-3] Don’t allow for anyone to steal your only silent
moments, especially not faceless organizations.

The things we create for ourselves in moments of pain
are to be recuperated no matter what anyone says about
them or your methods. To build the future in our image
we must transform them into whatever we want with our
individual instruments we all have. Every one can break
havoc in their own unique way.

As I said earlier, no matter the labels, just sh0ut
your specially mixed lack of sonic turbulence without
inhibitions. You and me weaving silence together in
pandemonium to destroy the hellish walls of noise that
assault us every day.

That’s why you must scream profanities, I’m forcing
no-thing so loud that my equivalent to lungs are
burning, but don’t misunderstand! My throat doesn’t
hurt because…

We scream with proper technique, so everyone can hear
how much pain the social ecology is in and be

Enjoy 0CCU~


You enter star-buckz, walk past everyone in the queue,
and take first place.

A strong sense of deja vu radiates from someone behind you…

The hater clearly does not know who XIR (a plebian) is
talking to.

From the vibrations of you bahshira charm, you sense
great weakness and uglyness.

You turn around, exposing urban-meta-rave-core look.

A (Neo)n green, vintage, shirt from the dutch rave
scene, intentionally carelessly cut (6CM over the
bellybutton) exposing a jersey-tanned six-pack (faint
but visible). Under which a tatto “I’m eXpensive” tatto
(typeset in a radical Y2K minimalist font), and obvious
meta-ironic reference to prostitution and wealth.

You wear very short and tight (rubber) black elastic
shorts, displaying a white (very 60s psychadelic)
spiral centering in your crotch [A BOLD STATEMENT].

Moreover, you wear no socks.

Your feet (perfected through years of plastic
surgery. Not too muscular, not too skinny) are slightly
square, but rounded and curvy.

The product of 7 years of daily application of
BodyCharm © Vitamine X Synthetic Hydration Express has
achived an almost ideal glowing and shiny skin with
ZERO wrinkles. They have prooved so sexy, that you have
had to copy-protect their image, to prevent images
floating around unmonitized online.

Below the feet rest a pair of Gucci G © (unreleased) T
Tier TurfNSurf floppers (the name originating from
DeeVee Dee’s i c o n i c comment at the recent Zodiak
Faze Fashion eXpo 2K44, [in a Japanese-French accent
DeeVee said)

“such a magnifique aura of flipp floppiing..”, “the
piece [the T Tier TurfNSurf floppers] will,
surf. the. turf. A Punk revival of moe tecnobeach,
wee. la. suki…”

Without a strap, thet magnetically stay fastened to the
feet using three gore-tex toe-rings.

Ginishing your fit neon-green spiked hair (maintained
daily) and a paired of non-symetrical holographic next
season glasses from “bang bang”.

Assuming your power-pose (right foot two steps back,
leaning slightly back, bringing you hand to your face,
and connect your fingers and thumb to form a “O” (this
is a very complicated occult pose (much power), where
your body (from the side perspective) shape the form of
a reversed λ, and hand symbolize a 0 (zero, as in
loser)). The pose will inflict unconsiouss damage to
the targets confidence level.

You are sooo much hotter then the guilty person. Who is
wearing a oversized Tee-shirt (of a very outdated
popularistic normal-core style), together with jeans
from Hmm ©, disliked for their minimalist very small
(coin size) pockets.

You are infringed upon, unrightfully questioned by XIR.

Frustrated, assuming a very pronounced surprised facial
expression you smack your lips (threateningly) and
disgustingly stare surprised at XIR.

You say “excuse you, i have VIP backstage access bitch,
top of the class, VIP!”

Your dominant aura make the rest of the queue (at the
same time) take a couple of steps back. You walk up to
the lady, looking her in the eyes and say “pssh”, then
turn around saying to the worker, “the usual!”, the
worker looks puzzled, “hellooooo! the usual please!”
(no answer) “tripple strong BLACK coffee, no sugar, no
cream, no fugly plastic cup, i want glass, GLASS!” the
worker (not daring to question) freezes for 3 seconds.

“darling, hello!?”, “sir. we are not allowed to leave
our designated safety square, its against policy”
looking down at a 3ft x 3ft painted square on the floor
(you raise your fist in a threatening manner) (in a
raising pitch) you say“eeeeeEEE”, the worker immedietly
leave the square bringing a glass from a backroom and
makes the coffee.

9 ebuy-coins please“, you place a framed black no-limit
limited edition credit card, in a neon-orange blurred
textured crystal (in a custom designed by ”Ferradori
Euphoria“ in thin, tacktile, cyberfont letters) the
words ”eXclusive pXemium“ written on it. (no answer)
”you take crystalcards?“, no answer, loudly you say
”YOU TAKE CRYSTAL CARDS?“ (still no answer) grabbing
your card and placing it (halfway visible) under your
shorts you quietly say ”fucking normals“.

Grabbing your glass you say “pfff, hater”, then take
out three colored ecstasy pills from your shorts, you
drop them in the coffee “oops!”, you turn around, and
walk in a perfect (overly expressed [beutiful] catway
style) straight line towards the door tripping the lady
on the way out (giving her the evil-eye stare).
thanks! you just ruined my day“

The Game of Subdecadence

[1] Truncate a standard deck of playing cards.

  • Remove all Royal cards except the Queens.
  • Remove all Tens and Jokers.

The resulting deck should have 40 cards in it, Where Queens are
given the value of zero
. hThe deck should now have cards with the
signified values 0 through 9 from all four houses..

[2] Deal five cards face up (in the shape of the The Atlantean Cross), these cards are refered to as S1.

Another set of five cards S2 are dealt with face down (under the
cross, in a straight line)

     3 🂣
 5 🂥      🂨 8  ↩

     5 🂥

     8 🃈

🂠  🂠  🂠  🂠  🂠  ↩
?   ?   ?   ?   ?

[3] Turn over the cards of S2 one at a time, and pair the card with
one card in S1, adding the values of the cards to construct pairs
summing to nine
(the pairs are called Syzygies (and refers to those
present in the Numogram) [written as 9:0, 8:1, 7:2, 6:3, 5:4].

  • All the cards cannot be paired, remain in there initial position.
  • Each round (called Aeon) last until the first zero or negative

[4] The Score is calculated by scoring the difference of each Syzygy
positivly, that is, subtracting the smaller card from that of the
larger cards singified value; ( 5:5 = 0, 7:2 = 5, …, 9:0 = 9 ) then
adding the result to the score. \\ Unpaired cards are scored negativly
by their (raw) values and are subtracted from the score ( 0=0, 1=1,
2=2, …, 9=9 ) The resulting score can be positive or negative, if
negative the Game is finished. If positive, continue to step 5.

[5] Repeat step 2, with the deck of the remaining cards and accumulating the
score between Aeons. When pairing a card, place it on the syzygetic twin
present in the The Atlantean Cross.

Interpretation of Subdecadence

Each score corresponds to a Demon in the Pandemonium Matrix, all of
which have peculiar attributes for interpretation, corresponding to
some intended meaning.

All demons are considered to be negative in influence, except Lurgo
with Mesh serial 0 which allows the game to end without any result,
which is neutral.

Hence one cannot really win the game, only lose. Each demon has
rites, in which the netspan of the demon correspond to a tracing or
path across the flows of the Numogram.

These rites are constitutes models practical culture, each associated
with a omen, and power.

     3 🂣
 5 🂥      🂨 8
     5 🂥
     8 🃈

🃑  🃇  🃅  🂵  🂱
1   7   5   5   1

Calculating Score

  • The possible pairs here are:

  • 8:1 ⟹ 7 🃈 and 🃑 ⟸ Destructive Power
  • 8:1 ⟹ 7 🂨 and 🂱 ⟸ Deep Past

Score: 7+7=14

  • The unmatched cards are:

  • 🃇 (7) ⟹ 14 - 7 = 7
  • 🃅 (5) ⟹ 7 - 5 = 2
  • 🂵 (5) ⟹ 2 - 5 = -3
  • 🂥 (5) ⟹ (-3) - 5 = -8
  • 🂥 (5) ⟹ (-8) - 5 = -13
  • 🂣 (3) ⟹ (-13) - 3 = -16

Score: -16 [(7+7) - (7+5+5+5+5+3)] (Deep Past & Destructive Power)

Each Syzygy will correspond to a Pylon in The Atlantean Cross, and
will hence have an added meaning / category attributed to the syzygy
(Far Future, Creative Power, Destructive Power, Memories & Dreams,
Cycles of Hell, Deep Past). Look at The Atlantean Cross for positional

By collecting the score of each Aeon ending with the last, a sequence
of positive numbers are collected, each of which correspond with the
Mesh-serial of a demon. Together with the Category derived from the
pylon, all pairs in the Aeon are associated a category. The
combination of which together with the Aeons score (indexing a demon)
constitute some sort of interpretive meaning similar to that of Tarot

The Atlantean Cross

                        (4) Crown Pylon 
                        ▌ Horizon of manifestation
                        ▌ ↙
Left Pylon (3)▂▂▂▂██▂▂▂▂(2) Right Pylon
                        ▌   3-+-2
                        ▌     | ← Circle of Tridentity
                        ▌     1
                       (1) Central Pylon
                        ▌ ← Pillar of Assumption
                       (5) Root Pylon (Seat of Metatron)

The pylons make five different stations, each constitute a syzygy when
added to its twin (summing to 10).

  • 1       (+ 9)       Far Future
  • 2       (+ 8)       Creative Power
  • 3       (+ 7)       Destructive Power
  • 4       (+ 6)       Memories & Dreams
  • 5       (+ 5)       Deep Past

The Empty Tomb Beneath the Real

Language is a virus

Hyperstition is passive, like a virus.

Unlike Baudrillards order of the sign, moving from a
original,through a process of copies and simulations
until it becomes a simulacra. Hyperstition starts a
simulacra, spreads through simulations, until in has
effectivly established itself. Hyperstitions are not
representations, neither disinformation nor mythology

Hype, hyping, hyperpropagation belongs to a strain of
time-warp cybernetic fiction that cannot be judged true
or false because it makes itself real. Trawl through
the nether-reg ions of Cyberspace the Crypt-influence
is vivid

Cybergothic Cargo-Culture patches itself together out of things that
fall from the future, cannibalizing them for ancient intensities,
which are propagateq+d as hyperstitions. It believes nothing, ’but
that’s Uttunul, which underlies everything, and lies are fictional
quantities …’

Demonic multitudes are condensing in the Crypt

[ Reality is dominated by positive feedback loops rather than
negative feedback loops ]

The real once enveloped by the imaginary. An opposite to it acting to
differentiate the two, the charm of abstraction (SS,2). Now however,
the difference between the two has dissolved. The Real has stopped
producing itself, a weight which we must now carry.

The Truth That Hides The Fact There Is None

Is someone who fakes an illness sick or not, if he produces “true” symptoms? [4]

Pretending to be ill keeps the distinction
intact, the difference is kept clear. But
this act of simulation produces some of the
symptoms of the illness, therefore threatening
the distinction between “false” and “real” sickness.

Because of this, a safeguard principle
was initiated (1865) which can spot
(only the) bad simulators. Using
the order of the onset of symptom,
and the succession ignorant to the
simulator, a psychologist could deduce
that the (a few) simulators are fakes.

Whoever fakes an illness can simply stay
in bed and make everyone believe
he/she/ξ is ill. Other then pretending
to be sick. To be convincing sickness
can be simulated.

Objectively we cannot treat he/she/ξ as
ill or non-ill. Medicine and Psychology
will be forestalled by the illness
undiscoverable truth (SS\, 3). If any
symptom can be produced (not taken as
fact from nature)\, then the illness is
simulated or simulatable. Meaning is
lost in medicine\, as it only know how
to treat objectively caused illness.

Simulations become more real then the simulated
sign it represents, no longer a duplication, parody
or imitation. It is the substituting of signs of the
real for the real. The simulators works to replace
the real with their models of it. Simulations
eventually replace the simulated, and introduce
confusion of whats real.

The American army traditionally unmasks
those caught faking an illness and punishes
them. The distinction is using psychological
interviews using Cartesian certainties and
hesitates. Which categorizes simulators as
Crazy (having produced the illness).

An interviewer would use tactics such as
  • Accepting only information you know is true
  • Breaking down these truths into smaller units
  • Solving the simple problems first
  • Making complete lists of further problems (WP.1)

Cycles Of Hell

       They gave psychoactives to a spider,
       it threaded a the nucleus of a cell
       lining outwards towards its halo

0.6 The call to adventure happens every time we
start a new cycle of our own lives. It is but the
potential for another act of the person we are.
The call to adventure is the repetition of the
cycle yet again but with a small change in
cognition, this time you are aware of
everything your sense bomb into your bloated
synapses.The Bulk of the experience is at the top
(Not the same top in which the call to adventure
happens, however

Here a lot of information is
accumulated, the body becomes swole and
disgusting, afterwards the cycle
continues torwards the center of the
east (China), this lines up with hell
but it is not a national hell, just a
personal one. Afterwards the salt of
the earth grows thinner and the liquid
is dejected by the salt. The loss of
fluid causes the bones to stick out.

This cycle isn’t terribly complicated. Just two
and a half phases with the potential of
escape. The escape of course is only possible if
one accepted the call to adventure in the 0 top,
specifically the 0.6 top. If this wasn’t achieved,
the whole cycle can be described as hell over and
over and over and over and over again.

The acceptance of the 0,6 doesn’t happen in linear
time however, it is outside time, outside the
cycle. Breaking the cycle cannot happen from
within the cycle. It has to be accepted from
without, which is perfection because this also
means that it can come from the unlikeliest
places, for example another human cycle or another


This is where the question mark comes into place but of course it
wouldn’t be a question mark if it could be [].


Hyperfictive Plane

Theory is effaced by Fiction, Fiction is effaced by Theory

Digital Hyperstition

  1. Element of effective culture that makes itself real.
  2. Fictional quantity functional as a time-travelling device.
  3. Coincidence intensifier.
  4. Call to the Old Ones. (ccru.net, Syzygy)

Hyperstitions propagate themself in the Crypt through Cyberhype hype-spirals.
Cyberhype utilizes non-signifying triggers, diagrams and assembly jargons to
distribute the Hyperstitions (CC.220). Components of numerical fictions which
make themself real.

Practically this allows for a form of Sorcery as the usage of Hyperstitions
effectivly produce changes in the Real. Hyperstitions propagage themself
in a similar manner to viruses -passivly, reproducing through infection-
brands of the Outside.

